Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Learn To Stop Smoking With Hypnosis

Why do people smoke? There are a lot of reasons. Back in the old days, you are considered cool, smart, and sassy if you can puff as many cigarettes as you can. You can basically see how smoking is depicted in the movies. Some find it comforting, relieving them of everyday stress.

However, by now you also know that long-term smoking is definitely not a good idea. It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer deaths in the world. It can also lead to cancers in the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx.

You are cutting your life span every time you smoke a cigarette. Second-hand smoking is even more dangerous, and children these days develop early respiratory problem because of smoking parents.

Thus, your only wish today will be how you can quit smoking. Fortunately, there is help available: hypnosis.

Before You Try the Technique

Before you go on learning the process of self-hypnosis to stop smoking, take note of this first: make sure you can see a doctor. If you have been smoking for a long time now, there is a huge chance that you are already addicted to it. Its components, such as nicotine, change brain activity, making it vital to smoke. Otherwise, you will be battling off with the urges, which are going to be very hard.

Usually, doctors will compel you to go off the smoking habit gradually. For instance, instead of smoking a pack, you will be required to smoke 10 sticks until you do not light one. You may also be asked to use a nicotine patch or electric cigarette to start the curbing process.

The self-hypnosis technique can then be utilized to supplement the steps your doctor will ask of you. The purpose of hypnosis is to speed up the non-addiction by modifying the manner of your thinking. If you are finding it hard to quit smoking, you can make use of subliminal messages, fed through hypnosis, to give you a sense of empowerment:

• I will have healthier lungs and heart.
• I can quit smoking.
• I have the ability to say goodbye to smoking.
• I am not trapped by nicotine and other harmful substances.
• I am stress-free that I do not need to smoke anymore.

You can repeat these subliminal messages as often as you can, regardless of where you are. The goal is to teach your mind to accept these as truths. Once you have reprogrammed your thinking, your brain can then teach your body to not want the nicotine or the cigarette smoke.

How to Do Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be done in any place, provided that it is going to be very quiet or tranquil. You cannot have a lot of things bothering you, or else, it would be a struggle to place these subliminal messages into your subconscious. You may also want to do hypnosis regularly, even if you are already in the process of quitting.

This way, you do not end up going back to the bad habit.

How To Quit Smoking Without Willpower Or Struggle

The first step toward dismantling your habit, for that's exactly what we're going to do, is to get a good look at it. Always, when someone asks me for help to stop smoking, the first thing I do is ask them how much they smoke. The answer almost invariably is, "Oh, a pack to a pack and a half a day." This is a typical encapsulated description of a habit.

A pack is a unit of one. (A habit is a series of integrated, interdependent behaviors, performed in sequence, thought of as a unit of one, such as "driving" or "golfing". Both these habitual behaviors require dozens of individual behaviors.) So this person is telling me that they smoke about one to one and a half units a day, knowing that I will understand that they are talking about twenty to thirty cigarettes a day.

But what they don't consciously get is that I am understanding that they are smoking about ten hits per cigarette, and so therefore to my mind, they are telling me that they are smoking two to three hundred times a day. Each and every time you place a cigarette between your lips and draw smoke into your lungs, that is an individual act of smoking.

This first step in the process is a simple one, and will tell you immediately if you are lying to yourself about whether or not you are truly ready to stop smoking now. If you are willing to just look at your habit, then you are likely ready to first alter, then discard it. But you must know precisely what it is you are directing your subconscious to do. The details are important.

Step One is to count your cigarettes. The way this first step is performed is this. Get a short pencil, no longer than one of your cigarettes. Also get a business card with a clean back. Any piece of paper will do, but it should be at least as stiff as a regular business card, and slightly smaller than the size of the pack.

Then, when you first open your next pack and remove that first cigarette, place a mark on the back of the card, next to a letter representing the day of the week. Then slide the card between the plastic and the pack, and put the pencil into the spot where the cigarette was. Then, each time you have another cigarette, take the card out, pencil a mark on it, and just put it back.

At the end of a full seven day week, you will know exactly what your habit has been, and is likely to be in the future, if you don't do something about it now!

However, simply putting this much attention on the habit can tend to make it shrink all by itself. Historically, I've noticed that many of those "pack a day" smokers start their week smoking fifteen to twenty-five a day. But by the end of the week, that seems in many cases to drop off to six to ten.

They report that they're still smoking all they want, but they started dropping off the few extras that they'd rather pass on than count. Amazing. I don't say this will definitely happen to you, and if it doesn't, that has no bearing upon how long the process will be.

First, it will take as long as it takes, period! There is no timetable upon this work. A time-table puts pressure on you, and this is not a pressure-type process.

Second, it will not be difficult. The only seriously hard part of quitting smoking is resisting the urge to have a cigarette. You will never be required to do this. You will be able to smoke each and every time you are certain you want to. In fact, you are encouraged to smoke each cigarette you want. It is counter-productive to the method to resist the habit. This shall be a gentle, organic process of letting go. Not a violent overthrow.

So begin Week One by counting your habit, and finding out just how many cigarettes you are smoking. It is said that the wise man knows well his enemy. This is an enemy we are going to kill with kindness. But that first step is to know him.

Don't bother to read on now, until you can answer this question precisely: Exactly how many cigarettes did you smoke in the last seven days? And do not just remember when you bought the last carton and subtract what you have left. That would be an estimate. You need an exact figure.

Also, the counting does more for your brain than just giving you the number. This first step must not be short-cutted! You must, for this process to work well, count each one separately as they are smoked and record them.

NOTE: If it is too much of a struggle to get yourself to count how many cigarettes you smoke for seven days in a row, please don't bother to read on.